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In this article we talk about the diet for heart failure, paraphrasing Hippocrates: “Let your medicine be your food, and food your medicine.”

Heart failure.

Heart failure is a chronic disease, it is that the heart has less capacity than it should to pump blood and edema occurs with some frequency.

This disease can affect people of all ages but it is much more common to affect people of advanced age.

Making a change in lifestyle, performing moderate sports activity (according to our state), avoiding tobacco and alcohol consumption, controlling our weight and making some changes in the diet for heart failure, in our eating habits, can be achieved. a significant improvement of this ailment.

Dietary treatment.

Dietary treatment in heart failure aims to:

Salt reduction.

High blood pressure and fluid retention can worsen health status in heart failure. A simple method to deal with this problem is to control the consumption of salt in meals.

Foods naturally contain salt, but not all foods have the same amounts. Prepared foods, precooked dishes, foods preserved in salting, marinades, brines and cured foods, contain a much higher amount of salt than vegetables, cereals or fruits. We must try to moderate the consumption of these prepared foods.

The reduction of salt in meals does not have to be accompanied by a loss of flavor, you can add fruit juices, spices and vinegars to your dishes that will enrich your palate.

If you consume mineral water, check that it is very weakly mineralized. We advise that the amount of sodium be less than 5 mg per liter.

Fat reduction.

A healthy diet is essential to maintain good cardiovascular health.

Hydrogenated or “trans” fats, saturated fats and cholesterol, decrease blood flow by favoring their adherence to the walls of blood vessels.

Foods such as margarine, prepared foods, shortening, butter, full-fat dairy, snack foods, and luncheon meats contain high amounts of these unhealthy fats.

As far as possible, it is advisable to replace these fats with extra virgin olive oil. In the case of sausages, whose consumption should be sporadic, Iberian sausages have a better quality of fat than their cheaper versions.

Remember to cook with low-fat methods such as steaming, grilling, oven or grill.

Reducing the volume of meals.

Food is essential to maintain an adequate state of health. Reducing portion sizes and increasing the number of meals per day is a very useful strategy to ensure a good amount of nutrients when you are not hungry.

Weight reduction.

Maintaining a proper weight helps maintain cardiovascular health. If there is excess weight, the cardiac work increases. Therefore, with heart failure, it is important to maintain a healthy weight.


As always, we recommend that you have frequent physical activity, that you choose to take seasonal products and we recommend that you take nutritional supplements as long as they are 100% natural, chemical preservatives free, added sugars free or sweeteners free, as is the case with ImmunologyPlus Antiox+ . All its ingredients (extracts with optimal concentrations of Graviola, Astragalus, Reishi, Turmeric and Garlic) help your cardiovascular health and your circulatory system.

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