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In this article we talk about eye health and nutrition, we talk about the nutrients you should take and how they help you in the health of your eyes.

Eye diseases and diet

It is a scientific certainty that we can take care of our eyes by having a diet rich in certain vitamins, plant compounds and antioxidant compounds. With nutrition we can reduce the risk of diseases such as cataracts, macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma.

Essential nutrients

There are a series of essential nutrients and here we are going to show and explain them to you.

Vitamin A.

Vitamin A plays a fundamental role in vision, it seriously contributes to the good condition of the cornea. This vitamin is a component of rhodopsin, a substance that favors vision in low light and its lack causes night blindness.

Vitamin A can be found mainly in eggs, dairy products, carrots, spinach and astragalus root.

The average recommended amount is 800 mcg daily, in this dose we take into account that it is a fat-soluble vitamin and that we do not expel its excess through urine. ImmunologyPlus Antiox+ contains 800 mcg of vitamin A per 20 ml, obtained naturally and without any chemical precursors.

Vitamin E.

Many of the eye conditions occur due to oxidative stress produced by the action of free radicals.

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that helps against free radical damage. It is scientifically proven that a diet rich in this vitamin helps prevent age-related cataracts.

Foods especially rich in vitamin E are walnuts, sunflower, avocado and graviola.

The average recommended amount per day is 15 mg, also mention that it is a fat-soluble vitamin. ImmunologyPlus Antiox+ contains 12 mg of vitamin E per 20 ml, obtained naturally from its extracts and without any chemical precursor.

Vitamin C.

Vitamin C is also a very powerful antioxidant, protecting the eyes against free radicals. It prevents cataracts and protects the cornea and sclera by promoting the formation of collagen.

It is present in almost all fresh vegetables and fruits, we want to make special mention of citrus fruits, graviola and red fruits. It is very delicate and volatile and deteriorates with high temperatures and by the action of chemical preservatives that come out of supplements and processed foods.

The recommended daily amount is at least 90 mg/day. Each 20 ml of ImmunologyPlus Antiox+ provides 80 mg of vitamin C and it should be noted that it does not contain chemical preservatives.

B group vitamins.

Vitamins B6, B9 and B12.

The combination of these 3 vitamins reduces the levels of homocysteine, a protein associated with inflammation and with an increased risk of developing age-related macular degeneration.

Vitamin B6 and B9 are found mainly in legumes, whole grains, reishi, garlic, eggs, turmeric,…

Vitamin B12 is found in its active form in products of animal origin, although recently it has been observed that it can also be found in reishi and some algae.

The RDAs for these vitamins are 1.5 mg for vitamin B6, 400 mcg for vitamin B9, and 2.6 mcg for vitamin B12.

ImmunologyPlus antiox+ contains per 20 ml the amount of 1.4 mg of vitamin B6, 200 mcg of vitamin B9 and 2.5 mcg of vitamin B12.

Riboflavin (B2)

The ability of this nutrient to prevent cataracts has been extensively studied.

Foods rich in riboflavin are dairy, meat, eggs, legumes, spinach, almonds,…

The recommended daily dose is 1.6 mg per day. ImmunologyPlus Antiox+ provides 1.4 mg per 20 ml daily.

Niacin (B3)

The main function of niacin is to convert food into energy, but some studies point to an important role in the prevention of glaucoma.

We find it present in mushrooms, reishi, peanuts and legumes.

The recommended daily amount of niacin is at least 16 mg per day, this is the amount contained in each 20 ml ImmunologyPlus Antiox+.

Thiamin (B1)

The primary function is the conversion of nutrients into energy and other important aspects of cell function.

A study carried out by an Australian university indicates that a diet rich in Thiamine reduces the risk of developing cataracts by 40%.

It is found in meat and fish, whole grains, legumes, nuts,…

The recommended daily amount is 1.2 mg. ImmunologyPlus Antiox+ contains for each 20ml dose the amount of 1.1mg of thiamine.

Omega-3 fatty acids.

The cell membranes of the retina contain a high concentration of DHA, one of the fatty acids of the omega-3 family, which also have anti-inflammatory properties and are very important in the prevention of diabetic retinopathy.

Omega-3 fats also benefit people with dry eye, which causes occasional blurred vision, by helping them produce more tears.
Omega-3 fatty acids are found in oily fish. In plant foods, the precursor essential oil is found, alpha-linolenic acid, which the body can convert into DHA and EPA acids. Foods rich in alpha-linolenic acid are flax and chia seeds and walnuts.

As always, we recommend a balanced diet, with fresh and local products and taking 100% natural supplements, without chemical preservatives such as ImmunologyPlus Antiox+

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